Thursday, January 12, 2006

Blair On Respect

Tune For Tony - Gregg Bissonette & Vinnie Colaiuta.

blairI watched Tony Blair talking about his "respect" plan on BBC Tv's Newsnight. Seems that Blair is the only person in the Cabinet who is qualified to speak about everything. In the past there were Cabinet members who could speak too. Now it seems that they are just a bunch of cabinet 'Members'.

The animated gif is my somewhat edited version of the broadcast. Respect!

The Donut Zone

According to a town planner I heard sharing his wisdom the other night, wealthy people now live in the City Centre, in mansions in the leafy burbs or a 4 track ride away from the city in what used to be known as the countryside. The Poor continue to maintain a presence in what he called the Donut Zone, the rundown bits in between. What a prick!
