Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Suspenders & A Collapsed Santa

Advent Calendar

suspendersThere's something reassuring about a guy who knows how to keep his socks up. This guy must have left his pants at an office party but no one in the Tulip & Tiara seemed to notice. Walking into a bar displaying suspenders, black socks and blue and silver Nike trainers may be frowned upon in swankier cities but here in Bogsville it is de rigeur.

suspendersBogsville people 'have the balls' to wear just about anything. They also have a tendency towards builders' bum.

You may have guessed from this garbage that I visited the Tulip bar last night. Merl thought I needed cheering up so I trotted along and we talked about important stuff, looked at the christmas decorations and vowed never to leave our pants at an office party.

Santa UpOn the long walk down to the bar I noticed that Santa had decided to sit for a while on top of the local Tandoori & Balti restaurant. He was perched up there quite happily when I passed by at about 9.00 pm.

Santa DownUnfortunately, by the time I passed him on the way back he seemed to have suffered a fatal collapse. I suppose it could have been something he'd eaten. Either that or someone had just shot him. I hope he'll be ok later on in the week when he's supposed to be visiting you. If he doesn't turn up blame it on the Bogsville Tandoori & Balti.

I think that 'she with ants in her pants' is flying back from the frozen north today so I had better go and check that the runway is clear of Dog doo.

A personal message from my alter ego.
