Saturday, December 17, 2005

Get Well & Buxom Beauties

Advent Calendar

get well

This message is for anyone who is feeling two degrees under, as they used to say in the once world famous advert that no one can now remember, except me.


jolly rogerA pox on christmas! This be th' time o' voyage when seafarin' heartys an' buccaneers come out o' th' bunghole an' look fer a safe place t' drop anchor. Them dwellings, grog shops an' inns be full o' good cheer an' buxom beauties an' if thar be one thing that seafarin' heartys like better than parrots 'tis a buxom beauty or two an' a bit o' pillage. That thar word that usually accompanies pillage be omitted on accoun' o' 'tis t' be avoided like th' plague an' be only used by scurvy rats who deserve t' be keel hauled an' strung up from th' yardarm.

Speakin' o' which - as the sun be over the yardarm, I be off to get me some victuals afore I starve.
