Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Printable CD Problem

Advent Calendar
Track of the Day

man at deskI was given a pile of printable cd's for Christmas so I sit here and I burn and I print, or I print and I burn. Fascinating! If anyone can suggest which I should do first, I'd be grateful. I currently favor print and burn. If the burn process fails, I can stick the cd on the wall!

I have also become the owner of a SAD light box and am waiting for a miraculous mood change to take place. The only trouble is that I may not suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Who knows? More to the point who cares? As long as I feel happy and can see to read that's all that matters. Last night I couldn't get to sleep. I gather I'm not supposed to use the light before I go to bed. Unfortunately it hasn't improved my eyesight sufficiently to read the instructions. I'm sitting here right now with 10,000 lux bouncing off the back of my eyeballs. I'm not sure whether I should feel happy about that but I do.

Merl's butt

buttThe other day Merl announced that he'd had a salt scrub on his butt. He announced the fact as follows, "Hey you wanna feel my butt! It's really smooth. I've had it scrubbed with salt."

Raul and I assured Merl that we have no desire whatsoever to feel his butt to check its smoothisity. I'm not sure whether I should feel happy about that but I do.
