Friday, December 23, 2005

Reduced Reindeer

Advent Calendar

reduced reindeerI felt very sorry for this little reindeer.

He was standing outside the store, surrounded by boxes of reduced crackers, hoping that someone would like him enough to take him home.

I liked him a lot and I was sorely tempted but we don't have anywhere to plug him in.

Blind crossing


This puddle appears everytime it rains. The bobbles in the paving slabs are to warn blind pedestrians that they are approaching the edge of the pavement and to guide them to a carefully chosen road crossing point. Yes folks we are very hot on disabled access here in Bogsville.

Unfortunately there is nothing to warn blind pedestrians, that they are being guided into an ankle deep puddle. The Bogsville Highways Department is staffed by people with a very sick sense of humour.

Shit of the week award

Bogsville's very own Shit of the Week Award goes to Ian Murray of Dataflow Communications Limited of Wells in Somerset. The BBC reports that Sophie Blinham got a job temping at Dataflow. After just 15 minutes she was told by the boss that she couldn't work for the business because it didn't employ smokers."We don't want people coming into work smelling of smoke," said Ian Murray. "We want healthy employees and we believe a non smoker is healthier than a smoker." Oooooh!

I can remember the days when pig ignorant employers asked young women at interview if they were married. The reasoning behind the question was that if a young woman was married, she'd soon get pregnant and have to leave to look after the child. The best answer to that question was, "Yes but my husband is a eunuch."

The best liars always do best at interview.
