Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Brigitte Bardot

Advent Calendar
Track of the day

dreamerLast night I spotted the words 'ass' and 'laid' neatly printed in black on a page. Thanks for that RB. As a result I had difficulty dropping off to sleep, what with my mind horning in on the above words and other meaty matters.

The previous night my sleep was disturbed by a dream involving a young Brigitte Bardot. For some reason she was having problems walking so I was carrying her on my shoulders. Luckily she was as light as an ox and I was as strong as a feather and all was progressing towards a fruitful conclusion when some bastard ruined everything by shooting me three times in the chest.

As far as I remember this was painless but it made such a mess of my shirt that I woke up. When I managed to get back to sleep she had disappeared, probably with the guy who ruined my shirt. I'm not sure why I have decided to share that wondrous dream with the whole world, but I have.

When I woke up this morning I discovered that everyone had gone away. So now there's just me and Dog here. That's very sad but luckily I still have my happy little SAD Light Box.

À propos of nothing - Merl is taking his salt scrubbed butt to France tomorrow so if you are reading this Brigitte, you could pop in to visit him. He'd like that.
