Thursday, July 07, 2005

Levi's Powerful Pungent Epistles

Levi is a dapper little guy. He wears a black suit, black shoes, a black raincoat and a fine, black derby hat. You can find him, most days, standing on the corner of Market Square here in Bogsville, his texts in one hand and the index finger of the other lining-out his words for sinful passers by.

"God is love!" as soon as anyone gets within earshot. "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish! Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shalt be delivered!" He's a powerful preacher is Levi and he's memorized plenty of powerful passages. He gets quite a crowd round him when he's in full voice.

He writes powerful, pungent epistles too. He likes to write in pencil, can't spell too well and crosses out a lot but his epistles surely are powerful pungent. He was kind enough to post one to a sinful guy who used to work with me.

How old Levi got that excrement to stay in the envelope until the guy opened it is still a mystery to me, but Levi managed it just fine.

The Lord moves in mysterious ways here in Bogsville.

London Readers

Hope you are all ok.

Nerve Engine

Just pushed my earplugs in and cranked up the volume on Rationale and Distance by Nerve Engine. Almost like family.

Google Ads

These Google Ads are going to have to go. If they keep posting Mary Jane Socks and knitting ads at the side of my pieces I'm going to be the laughing stock of Bogsville.

