Monday, July 04, 2005

At Least I Don't Smoke Crack

at least I don't smoke crack

Wonderful things these mobile phones with cameras. Thanks for the picture London.

smokers will be..

Another Night Another Bar

The taxi arrived at 9.00pm. Instead of wandering off down the road to the bar, Milt was taxied off to a bar on the other side of Bogsville. A bar that doesn't stink of urine, one that serves real beer not just pasteurized lager.

It's the dog end of a weekend so it isn't heaving with flesh.

True there are some female butts in there. But malheueusement, Milt's left leg is generating loud alarm signals. Actually it's his left hip that is causing the problem and he isn't very good at blanking out excruciating pain.

It's the sort of pain that screams out for an amputation. Anything would be better than the nag, nag, nagging hot and cold shooting pain in the left buttock. All you need is a high bar stool to get your foot up on so that you can stretch the joint out but there is no high bar stool.

It's like chronic toothache but in your ass - well your hip actually but that's near as dammit your ass.

Eventually it wears off slightly but it's ruined your night out and you have still got to stretch out in bed and the stretching out turns out to be worse than standing or sitting and the bloody spam keeps rolling in offering viagra etc. A grease nipple or WD40 would be more appropriate!

I'm convinced that giving a spammer a good kicking would solve most of the problems.

Henceforth in Bogsville, it is decreed that this week, the first week in July, shall be known as Kick a Spammer in the Crotch Week.

This post may have come as a surprise to the Bogsville Bar-Room Brawlers Group. Most things come as a surprise to the Bogsville Bar-Room Brawlers Group.

