Sunday, June 19, 2005

Militant Pacifists

Big guys tend to be easy going. I guess they don't feel they have anything to prove.

I'm not a big guy. My physical development went on at a time when people ate what they could grow in their gardens. Powdered egg and potato, coffee made from chicory and the occasional tin of spam seemed to be all that grew in our garden.

So compared to today's high protein, high fat, high carbohydrate, high additive dieters, I have the stature of a garden gnome.

That doesn't mean that I'm not easy going. I wouldn't admit to being curmudgeonly or that I've ever set out to cause trouble but I was once invited to "step outside" by the president of the local Pacifist Society.

I hate those Militant Pacifists.

What's a taqueria?

What's a Taqueria? We haven't got one in Bogsville - just a McDonald's and a Kentucky Fried Salad place. I'm waiting for a Paris Hilton to open up. Now that looks like a real bun.

I read a piece where the writer said that she wouldn't read anything that hadn't been dressed up with fancy graphics - sod the contents just give me graphics - kind of thing. Ok - fine. I like graphics and some web pages look wonderful. The Paris Hilton bun looks wonderful, but when you analyze it it's just full of mince.

