Thursday, May 12, 2005

Spring And Amateur Web Developers

"Our whole thing in Blogger is to always try to make these cool things easier for regular folks to be able to do,” says Biz Stone, Blogger senior something specialist.

Too true Biz - but I messed up my "regular folks" pages. They looked OK and the pages validated but the same "previous posts" showed up on all the pages - even last October's.

Dumb-ass Milt here created a template with named previous posts already on it.

Spent the evening in the Tiara with Merl and Raul, the "amateur" web developers. If the guy who posted the other day - Anonymous - ever has a software or hardware related problem, I suggest he mails me and I'll put him in touch with Merl and Raul. It won't be cheap but it will be definitive.

Repeat Prescription

I finally went down to the Doc's to collect my repeat, eye drops prescription. For some reason I didn't get the expected, "You must appear here for your cholesterol test" spiel from the receptionist. Either the specialist failed to mail the G.P. or the G.P. who signed the repeat prescription didn't have access to the specialist's note.

I can do without people telling me to quit smoking and drinking. I've already given up eating.

Maybe they'll find a link between sex or reading and high cholesterol next. Personally I suspect there's a link between cutting grass and hedges and high cholesterol levels.

I noticed that there were females in the bar again - it must be Spring. Mmmmn Spring!

"Regular folks" - isn't that something to do with bowel movements?

"I thought I was regular before - but I was wrong."
Bart Simpson re. cod liver oil.
