Monday, May 09, 2005

Validating Fails To Encourage GoogleBot

It's done - This validating lark is a real pain, especially when you know very little about what you are doing. How anyone can make so many mistakes writing a diary type entry like this one, beats me - I guess that's why I've got so many errors to sort.

Run WC3's Validator on the file and there'll be errors right left and centre.

The problem that I've had with it is that I had to go back over all the pages, sorting out the errors, to see if the errors could be a reason for Googlebot refusing to visit the site.

I found an entry for December 22 last year where I was complaining about the way "the blog just seemed to drop out of Google round about the beginning of November 2004". Statcounter never shows a ping from anything vaguely resembling Googlebot.

I replaced the Blogger comment with HaloScan's because everytime someone left a comment, it threw the validation for that page - "&" problem. Even found someone who suggested writing the code for ampersand into any comment.

