Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Googlebot Virgin No More


I visit sites where they claim millions of Googlebot trawls a week. Great - Milt Bogs has been trawled once this year - last Monday and the Bot hasn't been back.

Here's the proof of Milt's deflowering -

crawl-66-249-66-166. (Google Inc) 9th May 2005 23:46:19. Marked as a first time visit.

Larger version here.

I've awaited the loss of my virginity with great expectation and excitement. It's been planned for very carefully and I have to admit that I threw myself at GoogleBot like a groupie at a pop icon.

How was it for me? It was a great disappointment. I didn't know it had happened. There were no shooting stars, no flashing lights, very little pleasure and minimal satisfaction. One moment I was virgin the next second I was not. And now? - the Bot's cleared off and is ignoring me again. All I have is an IP address to remind me of what might have been. What a total letdown.

I would have posted this last night but Blogger was down - look well if Googlebot chose then to revisit. Looks like my only visitors will be from that growing Yahoo community out there.

