Saturday, December 11, 2004

Nerve Engine


Advent Calendar.

I don't know where today went. I've been messing about with photographs of a band - trying to stitch them together. I thought it would be easy but the two I wanted to use weren't taken from the same place or with quite the same zoom setting. Having said that - I knew that it would work if I could manipulate the images.

Nerve Engine

Here's another one that caused problems because of the lighting. It's here anyway.

Who is that on bass?

Don't know but here he is again

I didn't take any of the photographs - someone sent them to me and as I couldn't think of anything to write I thought I'd stick them in. It's like that some days.

Got a problem here folks. Just discovered that if I post the photographs the size they are in Flickr, the right hand sidebar disappears to below the bottom picture. To get it back up to where it usually is I have had to reduce the width of the pictures from width="500" to width="400" and that has resulted in distortion. If you want to see the original, left click on the picture and it transports you magically or painfully slowly, depending on your download speed, to the appropriate page in Flickr. I can't find the column width default setting in the Blogger template. Any ideas out there?
