Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Milt Plugs


Advent Calendar.

"I feel worn out, and my skin and muscles are sagging. Please send me a full supply of Axis spray MD which was recommended to me by my friend who looks completely fabulous and is fit and active."

A quote from my latest spam delivery - yes I occasionally have a look to see what crap is on offer today. Trouble is Axis spray sounds to me like the stuff you spray on a bitch when she's on heat.

Parfum de Skunk in an Ashtray does not appeal in the slightest. I can just hear the comments, "Wow, you look completely fabulous - but that smell!". Not only that but the spray would probably corrode the fake Rolex.

I'm listening to Chet Baker's Lament for Thelonious. I culled it from an amazing site that I'm keeping secret for the moment. Mind you all you have to do is look at the source so it's not all that secret. I don't know what the record companies are making all the fuss about. The chances are that I'll listen to the track until I know that I don't get fed up with it and then I'll go off and buy it on CD - if the track's available that is. It certainly won't be in Bogsville.

Headbanging is still a periodic pastime and I've sent off for some real ear-plug things so that I can turn the volume right up. It's no good if your bones aren't rattling. So - turn it up LOUD.
