Monday, December 06, 2004

Don't be a Tosser

Advent Calendar.

Had to cancel a Sunday explore a bar trip. Guess the headbanging session finally took its toll on my eternal youth reserves.

Dog got me out for a walk this morning. Thought I was going to have to carry him back to the Bogmobile but once he warmed up he was fine.

I see that eating red meat can double your chances of getting rheumatoid arthritis. That's according to researchers at the University of Manchester in the UK anyway. I notice that participants in the study completed a seven-day food diary and were asked about their smoking habits. Best get at the smokers too while you're at it.I'm used to it now but remember folks -

But only just

It seems it's not just the second hand smoke that's causing the problems it's also what you do with the butts.Here's an interesting link from New South Wales in Australia. I think the third picture down was taken in The Hole in the Ground bar here in Bogsville.

Bars that suffer from Tossers should encourage them to eat loads of red meat so they get rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the layers of tissue that line the synovium, causing pain, swelling and stiffness when moving the joint.

I bet it's no fun being a Tosser when moving your stiff, swollen joint causes you excruciating pain.
