Friday, December 10, 2004

Stating the Obvious


Advent Calendar.

My hearing protection plugs arrived today - better late than never. I'm not sure what good they'll do me but some of the bars round here play their "background" music very loud and I have noticed that my tinnitus is worse after I've been playing my saxophone so maybe the ear things will help with that. We'll see.

So Rumsfeld's had a hard time with American troops in Kuwait. It's about time too. He asked for "tough questions" and he made a mess of answering them. "You go to war with the army you have" and "They're not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time." You certainly do have to go with the army you have, but the rush to war was political. It certainly wasn't to counter an invasion. Check you've got the right equipment before you send the troops in next time - better still don't send them in at all. Strange how people everywhere object to their country being bombed and invaded.

The claim now is that the soldier was advised by an embedded reporter. The question is whether what was asked is true
"why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass to up-armor our vehicles, and why don't we have those resources readily available to us?"
- not whether an embedded reporter advised him.

Reuters report that "Tony Blair rejected a call Wednesday for an independent inquiry into the civilian death toll" in Iraq. Estimates on civilian deaths in Iraq vary from 15,000 to 100,000 but the UK government has no official figures. It just proves that as far as governments are concerned, civilian casualties are of no significance. According to a BBC report, the UK government says the Geneva Convention does not oblige it to record civilian loss of life - only to avoid "indiscriminate attacks" where civilians will be killed or injured.

Defence Minister Geoff Hoon's, "We want the Iraqi authorities to be in a position to provide that information so that we can all have an accurate picture of what is going on..." just about sums it all up. What happened to the intelligence services?
