Friday, June 19, 2009

How Green Is That?

Track of the day - Sex In The Morning - Prince Edward Island.


The milkman delivered our milk at 03.15am this morning. I know this for a fact because I overheated in bed, got up to cool off and watched him deliver it.
His electric float appeared from nowhere then he ran up and down the driveways delivering pints of milk and collecting the empty bottles, before running back to the float and disappeared round the corner to finish his round. "How green is that?" I thought to myself and went back to bed.

I hate to think what time he started work but he had to load the milk onto the float before he started the delivery round so it must have been early.
I'll have to ask him when he comes back this afternoon to collect the money.

The first milk deliveries that I can remember were made by a guy with a horse and cart. The horse had a feed bag hung round its head. Straw went in at one end and brown stuff dropped out of the other.
Old man Inscoe who lived opposite us used to rush out and follow the horse along the road collecting the steaming piles of brown stuff in a bucket.

I thought he was just cleaning up but Ma said the brown stuff was called manure and that old man Inscoe was going to put it on his rhubarb.
I asked Pa why he didn't put manure on his rhubarb. He said he preferred custard.

At some point in history the dairy replaced the horses with electric milk floats and they've been using them ever since. I don't know what happened to the horses but I don't think battery acid is much good on rhubarb.

