Friday, May 22, 2009

Red Headlines In Google News

Track of the day - Sex In The Morning - Prince Edward Island.

keep clear

It's Friday again. I'm not sure where Wednesday and Thursday disappeared to, but I suspect I lost them trying to fix the computer.

Physically installing a new hard drive is easy but getting software reinstalled is a total pain in the ass.

There wasn't anything wrong with the hard drive that I replaced. It just wouldn't boot into XP. It is now connected as a slave drive. At least all the files on it are still available.

The fact remains that it has taken me two days so far to get everything looking more or less as it did before Wednesday morning's breakdown. Except that this morning all the headlines on the Google News page were showing up in red text in Firefox and Opera. Internet Explorer to my annoyance displayed everything in the usual blue. An update of the graphics driver fixed that.

Foxhole Update

The repaired fence is still in one piece but the soil round the doorway I left for the fox shows signs of tracks. Something is coming and going during the night. This morning Dog marked the gap as part of his territory by leaving a large gift in the middle of it. If the fence is damaged again tonight it will be his fault or mine for not clearing up after him.

I did mean to but I've just remembered that I forgot.


I've been sent a 1000 piece London jigsaw puzzle.

Rebuilding fences and computers is apparently deemed not time consuming enough.

If the sun shines tomorrow I'll cut the grass.

What's the photograph at the top got to do with any of this? Nothing. I was going to write about something else.

