Saturday, May 16, 2009

Quicker By Train

Track of the day - Sex In The Morning - Prince Edward Island.

I wake up at six. At seven I struggle into my clothes to drive Mrs B to the station. She's visiting Leeds.

The roads are empty and the lights are all on green. It's what driving must have been like fifty years ago and I'm back home again by 07.15. The sun is shining and life is fine. Mrs B. will be in Leeds at ten.

At 08.23 I get a text message. It reads

"Stuck at Birmingham. Signalling problem at Derby. Well worth getting up early!"
At 09.11 another message comes through.
"Still stuck but supposed to be moving shortly. We've just been told we will now be moving to join the queue at the blockage, where there will be a further delay. AND there's no buffet. We are now moving."
At 10.11
"Just passed Tamworth. Trolley just reached me. Have run out of coffee. Hope this is not what the rest of my day will be like."
Then at 10.18, seven minutes after the train should have arrived in Leeds, the following message arrived
"Just been told not stopping at Leeds. Have to get off at Sheffield and get another train."
She's now due in Leeds at 12.18.

It's quicker by train!

