Friday, July 11, 2008

Common Hawker

Track of the day - Partlife - Prince Edward Island.


The rebuilt computer is now up and flying. The problem was the monitor. It wasn't getting a signal because it was defaulting to VGA rather than Dvi or something. And there was I thinking I'd screwed up the motherboard or stuck the processor in upside down.
As if!
Minor crisis over, I wandered off to the garden pond to see if any of the young hedgehogs had fallen in and drowned.
They hadn't but I found myself watching a dragonfly drying out after it had climbed out of its moulting skin.
Google suggests it's a Common Hawker dragonfly. Seemed pretty uncommon to me but there you are, just shows how little I know about anything.
What is apparent to me is that if you sit on your ass long enough in an urban garden you get to see plenty of creatures that you would only expect to find out in the countryside.
I think it helps if your garden resembles a mini jungle, so the next time that someone tells you that the garden needs working on, just tell them that you're creating a wildlife sanctuary.
Here's a picture of another 'Common Hawker' I spotted. This one must have metamorphosed yesterday. It wasn't there this evening.
It probably went off to join the hedgehogs.

