Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hegehogs & Rat Poison

Track of the day - I am a Pig and you are a Cow - Prince Edward Island.

young hedgehogs

Two weeks ago I was in the garden shed and heard high pitched squeaking. I couldn't see anything but just to be on the safe side I filled a couple of little bags with rat poison and stuffed them under the shed.
High pitched squeaking in our garden tends to indicate that the rats have moved in again.
I didn't hear anything more until last Tuesday when I went out to refill the bird feeders at 7 o'clock in the evening.
I suddenly realised that the squeaks were back, louder than ever and they were coming from somewhere by the back door of the house.
I peered round the corner of the house and discovered an adult hedgehog shepherding five very small hedgehogs.
By the time I'd got hold of my camera, the adult and one of its offspring had disappeared through the hedge into next door's garden. The remaining four were squealing and running round in circles. Whenever one set off the other three tagged along behind it.

indian file_hedgehogs

Eventually they split up. One ran off across the lawn and disappeared into a clump of irises, two ran off in the opposite direction, under the side gate and out towards the road. One stayed by the shed for a while and then disappeared too.
We haven't seen any of them since.
I'm glad they had enough sense not to eat the rat poison.
Now I'll have to pick up all the slug pellets.

