Friday, May 23, 2008

Slow Children

Track of the day - I am a Pig and you are a Cow - Prince Edward Island.

slow_childrenSLOW children! How much slower than slow is SLOW?
I expect there's a council worker lurking about with a radar gun who dishes out the appropriate certificate.

road_signWhile I'm on the subject of signs. What about this one?
Watch children.
What is this - viewing point number 5 on the local paedophile trail?

You're far less likely to attract unwanted attention if you watch birds or a Prince Edward Island gig.



Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Antique Araldite

Track of the day - I am a Pig and you are a Cow - Prince Edward Island.


I think it's time to invest in some new glue. The Araldite I used today to fix the handle back on the chisel is clearly marked to sell at 6/-.
That means it must have been bought in those good old, pre decimalisation days here in the UK when there were twelve pence in a shilling and twenty shillings in a pound and I was still a carefree lad about town.
Decimalisation took place in the UK on February 15th 1971 so that makes the antique Araldite at least 37 years old.
It still comes out of the tube ok but will it go rock hard? - as the art mistress said to the gardener. Aye there's the rub, as someone else said.
I think I'll send the picture to Araldite. They might send me some of their 2008 vintage.
P.S. 6/- is the equivalent of 30pence in new fangled decimal currency. In 1971 the change from your pound, after you'd paid for the Araldite, would have bought you two gallons of petrol.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Double Cheeseburger Tailback

Track of the day - I am a Pig and you are a Cow - Prince Edward Island.


I saw the tailback and the advert and couldn't resist taking a photograph.
A mile of stationary cars queuing to get a double cheeseburger - I don't think even Bogsville residents are that stupid.
I don't know though - most of them probably are.



Monday, May 19, 2008

Lookin' For A Job

Excerpt of the day - The Boxer - Simon and Garfunkel.

horse on seventh avenue

"Asking only workman's wages I come lookin' for a job,
But I get no offers,
Just a come-on from the horse on Seventh Avenue.
I do declare there were times when I was so lonesome,
I took some comfort there.
Oooh la, la, la ..."

He must have been dreadful lonesome!


Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Latest Fashion

Track of the day - Partlife - Prince Edward Island.


What do you mean it's the latest in hair fashion?
You're a coot for God's sake!



Saturday, May 17, 2008

Top Of The Range

Track of the day - Partlife - Prince Edward Island..

road_signHere's a top of the range final resting place, complete with double yellow line and adjacent parking bay.



Friday, May 16, 2008

New Road Layout Scheme

Track of the day - Partlife - Prince Edward Island.

road_signThe planners have come up with a new Road Layout scheme for elderly people in Bogsville.
Laying out elderly people in the road is a brilliant idea.
Saves on burial space and creates road calming humps at the same time.

