Monday, November 13, 2006

Police Search

Track of the day - Stormy Monday Blues - Earl Hines


Out and about in Volvo this morning, I pulled into a Waitrose Supermarket carpark and noticed a lot of police activity. Then it dawned on me that I was in Wolverhampton and that this must have been where the community police officer was shot on Saturday night. I don't think these guys were examining the wall to see if it needed repointing.

Mint Tea

Mrs B's post hysterectomy griping pains are not relenting, in fact she is now dragging herself to the bathroom every twenty minutes. She phoned the 'costalot' hospital and was told that it was probably a mild case of food poisoning and to try mint tea! They probably read Culpeper too.
That's just typical. It has to be my fault and absolutely nothing to do with the invasive surgery that Mr Costalot inflicted on her. If she is still suffering tomorrow, they told her to phone back. There's nothing like paying for the privilege of being ill.

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A Nerve Engine MP3 to download :
Nerve Engine - Distance
or go to NE's My Space page to stream it.
Nerve Engine Gig Gallery
