Friday, February 10, 2006

Wear A Sprout

Track of the day Whistle Stop - Ellis Marsalis.

blairsproutThis is neither a picture of Tony Blair preparing to change his religious faith to one requiring a turban, nor doing an impression of Basil Fawlty. It is a picture of him wearing a sprout. Hats like this are cropping up everywhere in Brussels.

bushsproutGeorge Bush has one too. I awarded it to him after he terrified the population of LA by announcing that intelligence prevented a 2002 terrorist attempt to fly a plane into the Los Angeles Liberty Tower.

He did in fact mean the Bank Tower or Library Tower as it was then known. At least he got the Tower bit right. Library Tower doesn't have the same ring to it as Liberty Tower. LA should rename the building immediately so that everyone knows which one he meant.


Yersterday's Fort Lauderdale warning was unclear. I won't be there, Merl will. I will be nursing my bugs here in Bogsville.
