Sunday, November 20, 2005

Which Emergency Service?

emergencyThe call came through at about 3.30pm.

"Which emergency service do you require?"
"Police please," whispered the tiny voice on the other end of the phone. "Please tell them to come quickly."
"Can you tell me where you live?"
Again the whisper.
"246 Charles Street. The house is on fire."
"Do you need the fire men as well?"
"No they're already here."
"Are you OK?"
"Yes," came the whisper again, "well I am at the moment. Please ask the police to hurry. I'm really frightened."
"Are your parents there? Are they safe?"
"Are they with you?"
"No. They're with the firemen. They're all searching for me," the voice whispered again."They don't know where I am."
"Why aren't you with them? Where are you?"
"I'm down here hiding under the bed with the box of matches."

1,000,000 Sandbags

The American Military require 1,000,000 sandbags, final destination: The Middle East, to fortify troop positions.

The only problem appears to be that the bags have to be marked "Made in the U.S.A.". As a result, immediately available sandbags made in the Far East are rejected by the military. End result the order won't be met.

You'd think that George Bush could have a word with someone out there in China. I suspect the sandbags would be available tomorrow.

Original story by The Dayton Underground.

Heard about?

Did you hear about the woman who named her child "Nosmo King" after the sign on the delivery room door?
