Monday, May 28, 2007

These Foolish Things

Track of the day - The Deepest Shelter In Town - Florence Desmond.

florence desmondI sit here with a damp stain on the wall in front of me and a wall full of filler behind me. Well it happens. It must be an age thing.
Decorating is a complete waste of time. The rain comes through the roof, finds its way down the wall and ruins whatever I've just done so I've given up in the hope that roof man will fix the problem permanently when he comes back tomorrow.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who took the time to suggest possible courses of action,
a: I could sit on the roof with an umbrella whenever it rains
b: I could head for the deepest shelter in town.
The deepest shelter in town wins hands down.

For some strange reason I've been asked whether I remember any of the alternative words that used to be sung to the tune of These Foolish Things in bars round Bogsville.
I'm not sure that we ever sang this verse but it'll do as an example,

The dirty panties in the cracked washbasin,
The broken jerry that I washed my face in,
The bed with creaking springs,
These foolish things - remind me of you.

If anyone out there knows other verses, I'd be only too happy to pass them on to the Florence Desmond fan who requested them.

After two nights of serious sobriety I'm beginning to miss the boisterous camaraderie of the Hole in the Ground bar.
The last time that I was cowering in the fireplace there, a young couple approached my safe haven. If they wanted to play darts, I was definitely standing in the wrong place.
"Are you going to play darts?" I asked politely.
I tried again.
"Are you going to be chucking, you know, hurling arrows?"
He looked at me through half glazed eyes.
"Nah. Oi'll manage to keep it down until I get outside."
I moved anyway.

There is nothing like intelligent conversation in a bar and as that is nothing like intelligent conversation I think I'm better off just sitting here, staring at the damp patch on the wall.

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