Monday, May 14, 2007

The Nile Delta

Track of the day - What Have They Done To The Rain? - Searchers.


The heavens opened, torrential rain fell on Bogsville and he found himself looking beyond the monitor screen at what appeared to be a map of the Nile Delta.
The wall changed colour rapidly, drops of water seeped out of the plaster and trickled down towards the carpet.

And so it came to pass that he sat there at 12.18pm on a gloomy Monday waiting for the roof men who were supposed to arrive at 08.30am.
Outside the clouds darkened promising more rain.
One o'clock came and went. The map on the wall indicated that the Nile had reached Antarctica.
The doorbell rang, roof man appeared and proceeded to remove tiles.
"This roof's in very good condition. Probably the best I've seen," he said.
He inserted a piece of lead, replaced the tiles and left.

The dehumidifier hums, drying out the plaster and the Nile Delta is shrinking fast.

lifescreen link
