Monday, January 15, 2007


Track of the day - Mythical Kings and Iguanas - Dory Previn.

iguana_gifI'd just staggered out of bed when Mrs B announced that the fluorescent tube in the kitchen had died.
I investigated the replacement possibilities and came up with this -

"58Watt 60 Inches Long Activa Fluorescent Tubes
T8 - 1 Inch Dia.
Activa is a very high colour rendering daylight lamp with a CRI above 95, it also emits a small percentage of UVA. With a colour temperature of 6500K and its high CRI it is ideal for presentation of accurate colours.
Features: Accurate daylight simulation
Superb colour 6500K
CRI above 95.

Sounded just like what we need. Perfect in fact, except that it was listed under "Aquarium Lighting and Reptile Lamps"
A reptile lamp should be ideal.

Accolade Myspace link.
