Monday, January 08, 2007

Hell In Here

Track of the day - Back For More - Accolade.

bar_cleavageI strolled along to the Hole in the Ground. Yes I know it's a dive. Yes I know it's full of halfwits but the beer doesn't make me ill.
The bus passed me on the way and there sitting in style on the lower deck was Raul on his way to the Tulip & Tiara.
I pushed open the swing door and spotted Griselda, the barmaid who likes to have her butt felt by young kids.
I stood at the bar. Griselda ignored me.
She ignores everybody except the young kids.
After ten minutes she left the bar and wandered off into the lounge.
In the hour that I was there she made one phone-call and served one pint. She spent half an hour trying to find a broom.
Griselda will do anything rather than pull a pint.
She appears to be in charge of the bar on the nights when she is there.
I try to avoid those nights.
At 10:55pm she reappeared with the broom.
"It's been hell in here all night," she said.
I had to agree.

Accolade Myspace link.
