Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Got To Get Out Of This Place

Track of the day - We Got To Get Out Of This Place - The Animals.

buttVolvo had to go for its yearly roadworthiness test today. It passed but that's hardly surprising because it's only done 1700 miles since the last test.
Those 1700 miles include a round trip to a funeral in Aberdeen and a trip to London to see a band play. Those two trips account for 1,120 miles which leaves a grand total of 580 miles for the rest of the year, an average of just over 10 miles per week. Who am I to complain? I note that the US national average for petrol is roughly $3 (£1.68) a gallon, way below the equivalent $6.42 in the UK (based on a pump price of 95p per litre). I can't afford to drive anywhere.

I've got to get out of this place.

Celebrating Saint George

From the editorial in the Bogsville Bungle,
"From a glittering concert in Symphony Hall, to the Shakespeare Birthday events in Stratford and on to the chips 'n' burger merriment of parties in local parks, this was a celebration of every aspect of English culture and tradition."
Chips 'n' burger - English culture and tradition? I don't think so. Well, not unless tradition means post 1950, which is when Wimpey Bars started appearing in English towns. We got one here in Bogsville in 1960. I know that because Eddie Cochran's Cut Across Shorty was on the jukebox.

Who cares? That really is one hell of a butt!
