Thursday, August 11, 2005

32 Million People Read Blogs

There are 8 million bloggers out there and 32 million people who read blogs. That means 31,999,980 people have failed to spot this one. It makes me feel amoebaesque.

Tulip time

There were very few people of note in the Tulip & Tiara last night. I know it was Wednesday but even so I expected more from my local. The night's discussion ranged from Raul's country retreat to whether Merl's supper would be microwaved by the time he got back home. I was more interested in whether I would actually get back home. I guess it's an age thing.

Tulip & Tiara space invaders

Have you noticed how people avoid empty space at a bar? The Tulip's bar must be about 60 feet long. Three of us were standing at the extreme right hand end and there were a few people at the extreme left hand end. That left approximately 40 feet of empty space in the middle of the bar. Two guys came in and started off ten feet to our left. Gradually they backed up closer until they were right up against us. Perhaps it was the sparkling repartee that attracted them but I suspect they drive the truck that's always stuck up your exhaust pipe on the way home from work.
