Vielen Dank Fuer Ihre Bestellung
Every year I have problems working out what I am supposed to do to make a purchase on the site
I'm ok selecting what I want to buy. The problem comes when I have to fill in the payment and address details.
I'm not suggesting that there is anything wrong with the site itself, it's just that it's all auf Deutsch and I can't remember what the damn words mean.
Today I filled in all the bits and pieces and triumphantly clicked on the button to make the purchase, only to find later that the wrong delivery address had been selected and that the item was winging its way to some poor unsuspecting relative.
Back into Amazon to try to change the delivery address. That proved to be more demanding from a language point of view than making the original purchase.
Credit card info had to be re-entered. At that point I was wondering just how many identical items I was sending around the World. To add to my concern, the automatic notification email failed to appear.
Had I made any purchase at all? Back into Amazon and check the "Wo ist meine Bestellung?" page and make sure the "Persönliche Angaben" are correct.
After struggling round "Hier können Sie Ihre Adressen und 1- Click- Einstellungen verwalten" and other sections for about an hour, an email arrived telling me that my purchase had been made and was being sent to the right address. At least I think that is what it said.
The email ended -
Nochmals vielen Dank fuer Ihre Bestellung!
and you're done.
I have to admit that I found the final comment just a leedle bit vorrying.