Friday, March 04, 2005

Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Shocker


Figures published by Calor UK claim that

"...emissions from diesel and petrol vehicle engines could see pedestrians and city dwellers inhaling pollutants equivalent to up to three packs of cigarettes a day.

Exhaust Emissions Harm You And Those Around You

The research by Calor, was based on published air quality statistics for 30 UK locations and show the impact of road traffic on local air quality.

Levels of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were compared to the amounts inhaled from a cigarette to illustrate the serious impact of such priority pollutants on public health in the region.

Surprisingly, while London locations were high on the list - Marylebone Road's average NOx levels equated to 30 cigarettes a day - the most polluted location was Oxford, with the annual average equating to 61 cigarettes a day. The peak level for Oxford equated to 185 cigarettes in a 24-hour period. Another heritage site, Bath, was second at 46 cigarettes while Glasgow gained third place at 44 cigarettes.

The Government's stated target for average NOx levels is 21 parts per billion - the equivalent of 12 cigarettes a day."
Calor UK.

It's interesting to compare Calor's findings with those offered here for smoking-attributable mortality in UK.

