Sunday, February 27, 2005

Miracle Penis Severed Again


A medical miracle or lousy research?

On June 7th 1998 Kim Tran, pleaded guilty before the Supreme Court Of British Columbia, Canada, to an aggravated assault on her husband. The assault involved the severing of her husband's penis while he was asleep.

The couple had six children before the husband started an affair with another woman. Kim Tran begged her husband to end the affair but he refused, fell into a drunken sleep in a chair at which point she attacked him. This is all clearly explained in the Court Papers.

Last week, almost 7 years later, the sad couple were back in the news care of Fox News.

Yes you guessed. Same story, same people but this time we have kinky sex added to the attack.

A search through Google News comes up with two or three pages all carrying roughly the same story, all dated February 2005.

In some of the stories it is the guy's mistress who carries out the attack, sometimes it is Kim Tran attacking her lover rather than her husband and in one report it's an unfortunate uncle who gets sliced.

Just how many times does this poor guy have to have his joint carved and flushed down the toilet to keep you news freaks happy?

