Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Trevor Phillips On Fathers, Maths And Sport


Trevor Phillips who chairs the UK's Commission for Racial Equality doesn't mince his words does he?

According to an article in the Guardian Newspaper Phillips says that Black boys failing to thrive in particular subjects might be taught in separate classes from their white counterparts.

He is also quoted as saying, "A tough new strategy would compel black fathers to be responsible fathers. If they can't be bothered to turn up for parents' evening, should they expect automatic access to their sons and should boys who can't make the grade in maths be allowed to make the football team?"

I'm all for fathers accepting their responsibilities but this "no maths grade no soccer team" strategy could have serious repercussions for soccer and other sports in UK.

If you removed all low academic achievers, black or white, from UK sport, most teams would struggle to field a side.

Wasn't Trevor Phillips the guy behind the Channel 4 documentary series "Second Chance" that took 14-year-old Ryan Bell from a south London housing project and paid for him to attend the exclusive Downside School in western England?

That was a great success too.

