Monday, March 07, 2005

Drum Education London


I hear from Graham Elderson over there in London UK that he's taken to riding the transport rails with half a drum kit. Last week he took the drums for a day out by the sea in Brighton.

At some point he had to transfer to a bus so he took the drums upstairs where they could get a better view of the surroundings.

When they arrived in Brighton they found that the rest of the band had decided to stay at home.

The Drums On The Bus

The drums on the bus
Go up and down
Up and down
Up and down
The drums on the bus
Go up and down
All day long...

Then to my chagrin I discovered that the song had already been done - so for all those of you with RealPlayer - try this link from

And if you are travelling from London to Brighton and you see the Elderson kit - give him a wave for me.

If you look carefully at the picture you'll see not only a drum kit on the upper deck but also a telephone box on the lower deck of the bus. Amazing what goes on in London these days.

For those of you who feel cheated by this story get online drum tips from Clark Tracey at by left clicking here.

