Friday, September 07, 2007

Elderly Bitch Hunting

Track of the day - Hot Dog Buddy Buddy - Bill Haley.


Our visitors have left for pastures new so it is very quiet round here except for the deafening rumble of articulated lorries.
The elderly bitch proved that her taste for hunting hadn't diminished by tracking down and then ripping up a honeysuckle root.
To be fair to her the root was preventing her from getting at a rat.
The rat got the message and disappeared - temporarily.
Come to think of it, the arrival of the rats has coincided with the absence of dogs from the garden.
Has anyone got a bucket of lion or tiger dung I could have going cheap?
Yes I know lion and tiger dung doesn't go cheep unless, of course, you stand on its toe.

A very polite young man appeared yesterday and asked if I was satisfied with the electricity and gas that his company was providing for us.
I explained to him that the gas came out of the little holes in the gas oven when I turned the tap and ignited just fine and the electricity lit the lamps so yes I was satisfied, except for the service last Monday morning when the electricity they sent us was too powerful and blew up Mrs B's hairdryer.
He promised to send us less powerful electricity on a Monday morning so that should help.
By the time he started asking if I knew about their telephone service, I'd lost interest.
Exploding hairdryers is one thing but telephones that can electrocute or gas you is something I'm not prepared to invest in.

As I type this I hear the clopping of horses' hooves on the road outside. I look through the window and there's a white hearse drawn by two white horses, followed by a couple of black stretched funeral cars going past the house and the hairs rise on the back of my neck.
Exploding hairdryers on Monday morning and a horse drawn hearse on Friday.
I'd better go and sweep up the rat poison.

If I could catch the rat I could always use it in a salad.

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