Thursday, July 12, 2007

Eyeball The Red Planet

Track of the day - Atombomb Remix - Fluke.

eyeball_photographThis picture of the Red Planet was staring out of the optician's computer monitor at me when I strolled in to see him at lunchtime.
I know that he's interested in photography so when he'd finished proving that my left eye couldn't read the bottom two lines of the chart I asked him about the picture on the screen.
He explained that it wasn't a picture of Mars, but the inside of one of my eyeballs.
I did well not to throw up all over him.
It matters not one iota to me whether the picture is of my right or my left eyeball.
Whichever it is, the sight of it has put me completely off thoughts of food which is just as well because I forgot to take the meat out of the freezer early enough for it to defrost.
If I get peckish I'll have to make do with pickled onions in ketchup.

lifescreen link
