Thursday, April 12, 2007

RSPB Safe Haven For Rare Species

Track of the day - Cop Cut - Duke Ellington
featuring Paul Gonsalves.


We pottered off to a local RSPB nature reserve where we were lucky enough to spot two very rare yellow jacketed constables.
The species is all but extinct round Bogsville and we no longer hear its distinctive cry,
"'Ello 'ello 'ello. What's all this then?"
It's good to know that the RSPB is doing what it can to provide a safe environment for constables.

Once established on the reserve it is hoped the yellow jacketed constables will become a successful breeding pair so that the species will again become a common sight in the UK.


And here was I thinking that the seeds and nuts were for consumption by wild birds. People in Bogsville will try to eat just about anything.

lifescreen link
