Thursday, April 19, 2007

Of Arses And Pubic Hair

Track of the day - Who Let The Dogs Out? - Anselm Douglas.

number plate_arsinat

You can usually tell a lot about a driver from a personalised number plate.
This plate was being driven around by a young lady who I assume is named Nat.
I wonder if she also has a big arse?
Perhaps someone will tip her off and she'll let me know.

UK Smoking Ban

outdoor_haircut_signSeems like it's not just the bars in the UK that are introducing outdoor areas to accommodate smokers.
Enterprising Bogsville hair salons have jumped on the bandwagon.
It helps keep the salon floor free of hair and it's good for the wildlife too.
Little birds pick up the freshly shorn tresses and use them to line their nests.
wren_nest_materialsJudging by what this wren has got hanging out of its beak, someone had just paid for a pubic hair trim.
If I'd got there a bit earlier I could have recorded the whole event for posterity.
As it is, posterity will have to make do with a picture of the wren and its beak full of pubic hair.

lifescreen link
