Friday, January 26, 2007

Total Humiliation (Poms in Australia)

Track of the day - Total Humiliation - 10cc and Geoff Boycott

poms_placardAnother defeat in Australia.
This time by 9 wickets in 24.3 overs.
Just how much humiliation am I expected to suffer?
Bring them home now - PLEASE!

If you didn't play the track of the day, give it a click. It's the only thing that has given me any pleasure on this dire and dismal day. Perhaps I should try my hand at being a full-time jingle mixer.

While I'm on the subject of mp3 offerings I want to thank Cheryl for her Messing about on the River link.
I'm still looking for the Josh MacRae track though so if anyone out there has got it please get in touch.

I'd also like to say "Top of the morning" to Gabbi and Hoss who have also dropped in recently.
It's always good to hear from old friends especially when I haven't been out and about for a couple of months.
I blame it on the weather

Has anyone watched the latest Lynda LaPlante, Trial and Retribution, two parters screened on ITV Sunday and Monday?
I have rarely seen such lousy acting. I record it on Sky+ in the hope that it will improve. Compared to Waking the Dead, screened at the same time on BBC1 it is a total no hoper.
Having said that, the Waking the Dead team is struggling with the offerings of script writers who should leave the machinations of the Foreign Office and British Intelligence to John Le Carré. Félicité Du Jeu is more than welcome on my tv screen any day and I'm convinced that somewhere along the line Boyd will appear in Barcelona.

Perhaps the sun will shine tomorrow and pigs will fly and England will win a game of cricket.

