Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Scan & Endoscopy

Track of the day - St. James Infirmary - Benny Goodman

needlestick_bite_signWhere on earth is the Amazon help desk service located? I phoned to cancel an order this afternoon and spent God knows how long trying to understand what the young lady on the other end of the phone was saying.
I got the impression that the call centre was somewhere a lot nearer to China than Bogsville.
Not even hours of social intercourse with my little Chinese dentist prepared me for the problems I encountered this afternoon. Eventually the young lady decided to put an end to my misery and said she would send me an email. She sent me two and I understood both of them perfectly.

The Hospital Run

Mrs B phoned this morning to announce that she was feeling much better and that she was getting a scan tomorrow morning at 9.00am.
Cheered by the news I decided not to visit this afternoon. I handed the duty over to one of her friends.
By 6.30pm when I visited, she was back in bed with chronic stomach pain and being dosed with painkillers.
If tomorrow morning's scan shows nothing, they'll try endoscopy tomorrow afternoon. If either examination shows something at least they'll know what the next course of action should be. If neither test shows anything Mrs B has instructed the doctors to shoot her. The stomach guy says that she's showing all the classic symptoms of an ulcer or a gallbladder problem and he says that recent surgery can bring on either. Knowing our luck, Mrs B has probably got both. It's all a bit unsettling.

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A Nerve Engine MP3 to download :
Nerve Engine - Distance
or go to NE's My Space page to stream it.
Nerve Engine Gig Gallery
