Friday, March 25, 2005

A Tight Squeeze


Dog's New Box

Dog's new box has proved very popular - but it's a bit of a tight squeeze.

I am currently being peacified at's jukebox. Someone New by The Kelly Gang. Well I was being peacified - the thing's just gorn orf.

Can't believe how many hits I've been getting for the Red Lake links page. Without losing sight of the horrendous nature of what happened up there, I can't help thinking that someone should have realized that Weise needed help and people to talk to who didn't just dismiss his ideas as being racist.

His web entries don't suggest to me that he was an average 16 year old and it seems to me that the longer that kids on Prozac are marooned at home, with only their computers to communicate with, the more often tragedies like Red Lake are likely to occur.

Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?

