Monday, March 21, 2005

Bogsville Brute Bludgeons Sick Ivy


Another day spent communing with nature - well shredding the stuff that got cut down over the weekend.

There was a cat paddling in the pond last night - hunting the frogs and toads I guess. The pond is now temporarily fenced off but there was little activity today. So much for cats not liking water.

I plugged in my heavy duty, live metal band, ear plugs and spent six hours shredding and mincing at the end of the garden.

At some point I was aware of a loud grinding noise. I switched off the shredder. The grinding was still audible. I looked round to see what was causing it and realized that it was the vertebrae in my neck. It scared the living daylights out of me. I'm having grease nipples fitted tomorrow.

A robin turned up to keep me company.

Hi there Milt
Larger version here.

Glad to report that the ivy has started looking a bit sick.

I'll be back
Larger version here.

I also found a caterpillar that must have overwintered on a geranium somehow. This thing was big. Maybe it's a python or an anaconda. No they are seriously big - even I would spot the difference.

Life size. Anyone know what it is?
Larger version here.

Research suggests it's a tobacco/geranium budworm (Helicoverpa virescens). Oh dear - turns out my caterpillars are pesky budworms and my ladybugs are carpet beetles! Must be the global warming thing.

Don't know why but today's title contains a link to Ivy recorded by the Original Memphis Five, November 1st 1923. No I'd never heard of them either.

