Thursday, January 27, 2005

Tadpole Eyeballs


I spotted this post on a board somewhere. Made me think of the Fertility Clinics that seem to be "springing up" or "spawning" round Bogsville.

"cool. whatya think still prespawn for the most part? any eggs in them girls? id like to think we have another week or 2 left up here. funny you mention wildlife, we had a bald eagle circling our boat for 20 minutes on saturday. which was nice."

My exposés Westerners Can't Squat, Teeth Affect Memory and How To Bugger Up Mice, provoked absolutely no interest whatsoever but for obvious reasons old boggers like me need to keep up to date with medical research.

According to New Scientist Magazine,"Two Japanese researchers have revealed the first details of their claim to have grown tadpole eyeballs from scratch in the lab. They say the eyes are functional when they are transplanted into tadpoles, and even work when the tadpoles metamorphose into frogs" - which was nice.

"None of the eyes were rejected and none dropped out," said Makoto Asashima, of the University of Tokyo. "All of the frogs can see." - which was nice.

It is disappointing to have to report that there has been no interest in the free infertility help offered by Bogsville's, self-deprecating, volunteer, "springing up" and "spawning" group. The offer still "stands".

