Monday, November 01, 2004



Panic over chaps. The Prague trip is fixed for next Sunday 07/11/04 to Thursday 11/11/04. The Hotel is booked for the same period.

All we need now are the invites to come flooding in for things to do.

There's a guy out there in webland who is doing his best to warn people about the evils of Prague. I give you an example...

"Certainly, at no time whatsoever should you cop an attitude with the locals, for any reason, at any time, no matter what. If someone doesn't like you and wants you to leave the bar, get out. If a group of rather large, suit-wearing gentlemen enter the bar with bulges at their sides and demand your table, or that you leave quietly, I'm going to go ahead and suggest that you readily comply.

"This is not America. People don't play games here with folks who have an attitude or a chip on their shoulder, and if the police arrive at all it will be simply to process the paperwork for your cold, dead body."

I think you'll find it's an arrangement that the UK Government has with Prague to decimate England's drunken yob population. The Suits with the bulges are known as Verminators......

I was confused by....."Do not under any circumstances whatsoever approach whomever is looking your way or you are asking for it".

What I ask, do you do if you are dying of thirst and he "whomever is looking your way or you are asking for it," happens to be the barman and you know that you are asking for it? Should you just walk away after you have asked for it or before you have asked for it? Sounds like a job for the Verminators whichever technique you choose.

Thanks for the advice David Showalter, I think I can see why you are an ex pat.

To the guy who posted about his mother - Keep her out of The Hole in the Ground tonight.....PLEASE or I might have to call up a Suit.

