Saturday, August 12, 2006

Flight Cancelled

Track of the day Take the 'A' Train - Duke Ellington.

blair_watchTypical! I book a holiday for the first bloody time in three years and the British Government announce a major security alert.

We flew out to Barcelona on Thursday afternoon. No hand luggage, no drinks, no mobile phones, electronic keyfobs, iPods etc. Everything was supposed to be in the hold but there were some passengers carrying bottles and magazines with them onto our flight.
One of the advantages of flying from a garden shed sized airport is that disruption is minimal.

Now that he's 'sorted' the Middle East crisis, Blair is not allowing the current terrorist alert to interrupt his Caribbean holiday. Why should he? He´s got half of Scotland looking after the security of England. Enjoy the break Tony McBlair.

This may be Barcelona but it is now raining. It´s hot and wet, much like the majority of women here.

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