Sunday, August 06, 2006

Something Female

Track of the day Three Steps To Heaven - Eddie Cochran.

two_dogsIt's all very quiet here in Bogsville. I'm not sure why it should seem so quiet because Dog was deaf and just about blind, never barked, had to be carried up and down steps and certainly didn't run about.

Nevertheless it seems very quiet around the house without him.

Three years ago we had two dogs but Dog one got sick and that meant we couldn't get away. He died and then Dog two decided to get old and infirm so one of us has had to be around to look after him for the best part of the last two years.

They were both rescue dogs that had ended up unwanted so it seemed only fair to spend as much time as possible with them. The trouble is that for the last seven or eight years they spent just about every minute of every day with me and now that I am dogless I'm really not sure how well I'll cope.

After I retired Mrs B suggested it would be good to get a dog so I ended up with two. She now says we don't need another dog. I'm not so sure.

Anyway we've decided to get away for a few days. Chances are I'll spot a stray on the streets somewhere. I'm a sucker when it comes to strays. Something female this time, about 5' 4" and twenty something would be nice.
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