Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Stormtroopers Spotted


Monaco webcam shows sun and a few photogenic clouds. Bogsville window shows murk and drizzle.

Merl and his young lady flew off to Monte Carlo a few days ago to celebrate her birthday. Romance is not dead in Bogsville - just resting most of the time.

Blair's War On Terrorism

I thought the UK took the threat of terrorism seriously.

i feel much safer with those stormtroopers on duty

Judging from this picture sent to me by Graham Elderson, the Kingdom of Tony Blair has been suckered into signing a deal with the wrong security firm again. Some people never learn.

Back to Bogsville - Volvo is off for its yearly checkup this morning so I guess I'll be wandering the city streets, doing a spot of window shopping. If the shops are still there - they keep shutting them down and opening junk disposal emporia instead. Buy it, take it home, look at it once and chuck it away stuff.

Volvo passed its test. I failed mine miserably.

I limped around for an hour feeling like I'd got a nagging toothache in the small of my back. Jeez I hate pain.

It hurts to sit, it hurts to stand and if I lie down I can't guarantee I'll be able to get up again.

Monaco Webcam."Le port, la Condamine et Monte-Carlo (rafraîchissement toutes les minutes)(La camera est située sur le rocher)". Le rocher? À Bogsville dit-on col ou montagne.

