Thursday, April 28, 2005

Exploding Toads


unexploded toad
Larger version here.

I was horrified to read about Hamburg's Exploding Toads that swell up to three times their normal size for no apparent reason before exploding and sending their entrails a metre or so through the air.

The last time I saw my toads here in Bogsville they were fine. Time for a trip to the pond.

Milt reports no exploding toads in the Bogs' pond but plenty of tadpoles and it's raining.

MSNBC are running a story that claims that one German scientist who is studying the phenomenon has a theory that it's caused by hungry crows pecking out the unfortunate toads'livers.

Vee shall see .....

I've noticed a few Australian visitors to this page recently. I suspect they thought I was suggesting toad control techniques. I am thinking of banning future visits after reading the following toad control advice from David Tollner,

"We hit them with cricket bats and golf clubs and the like back then," Tollner told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio.

"If people can be encouraged to do it, rather than discouraged, the better our chance will be of stopping the cane toads arriving in Darwin and other parts of the top of Australia," he added.

